
In a time when goliaths with massive market shares control almost every sector, there exists an extraordinary anomaly: craft breweries.  In fact, between 2008 and 2016, the number of breweries expanded by a factor of six, and the number of brewery workers grew by 120 percent.

With all this growth has come an overwhelming amount of data.  While brewing giants like Anheuser-Busch are experts at streamlining their operations, most craft breweries struggle with uncovering and managing their data analytics.

It might be tempting for small breweries to try and manage their data in Excel or Google Sheets, but those platforms can be very problematic.  We’ve outlined some potential issues in our previous blog posts, the problem with spreadsheets and why you need to stop using excel for your budgeting process.

For brewers considering implementing a software system to help manage their data, we’ve developed a customizable brewery data management system.  With every team member using the same system and accessing the right data, decisions move from a sequence of requests up and down the organizational chain to a single collaborative environment.


Our Solutions Include

  • Sales and distribution analytics
  • Demand analysis
  • Production metrics
  • Systems integration